When We Talk About the Game Development Industrial Pipeline, What Are We Discussing?

In recent years, as the number of players has tended to saturate, market competition has become increasingly fierce. Current data shows that the size of game users has reached 668 million, with a year-on-year growth of 0.35%, indicating that the user base has peaked and the "population dividend" has virtually disappeared. 

As the industry enters a stock market, players' tastes and demands have also become more diverse and personalized, demanding a very stringent gaming experience. The era of "mass production for blockbuster hits" has passed, and creating high-quality content has become the key to breaking through.

To produce higher quality content requires a significant upfront investment of resources and involves complex multi-person collaboration, with project cycles starting to lengthen. Surveys show that creating a high-quality game involves the collaboration of at least 30 roles, such as game planning, art, design, and programming, with further sub-roles under each major branch.

Blueberry Allows collaboration

DAM team collaborating to produce high-quality content

Thus, major manufacturers also face higher demands and more complex production challenges, requiring not only agile and efficient management but also professional tools and systems, as well as scientific team collaboration.

Creativity is just the beginning, while realization is another matter. Whether it's a game or a character model, from an idea to the final launch, it goes through stages such as requirements, initiation, design, development, testing, release, and review, involving different roles and tasks. Ensuring that team members follow the correct processes to advance their work and effectively manage asset and information transfer is crucial.

In recent years, the industry's best practice has been to industrialize the design production process to achieve large-scale efficient production. The most important aspect of an industrial pipeline is to solve the efficiency of content asset turnover by fixing validated effective experience paths into the system process through professional tools and systems.

This can be divided into three levels: intelligent content storage, process visualization, and information flow automation.

Blueberry, as a content asset management system and enterprise-level solution developed specifically for the game teams quickly establishes industrial pipelines and enhances game development production efficiency through professional tools and customized development deployment.

  Blueberry AI Search tool

Intelligent Content Storage 

In the digital age, if content assets created with effort and cost are not uploaded to the cloud and managed in a structured, unified way, it is akin to continuously repeating the primitive process from zero to one. Unified storage and cloud deployment allow team members across regions and time zones to simultaneously handle online, facilitating the sedimentation and reuse of content assets, a basic capability any efficient development team should have.

Moreover, due to digital assets' high value and specificity, they are susceptible to leakage or theft during handling and transmission. Traditional cloud storage and local folders lack secure management, making it difficult to trace or correctly recover lost data, necessitating professional tools for scientific management.

Flexible and Highly Available Private Deployment: Supports cloud/local private deployment, ensuring full control over data storage and management, offering advantages in compliance and security while reducing operational costs.

AI Tagging + Tag Group Management: Utilizes industry-leading AI recognition tags, automatically parsing resource files upon upload and marking them from multiple dimensions. Combined with customizable personal tags + team tag pools, it completes an automated loop from upload to classification to storage.

Blueberry AI metatags

Blueberry AI tool and metatags

Permission and Role Management: Through tiered permission management, access to, editing of, and sharing specific assets must be applied for, ensuring the security of sensitive information; different roles (client/design/review/outsourcing) can only see content relevant to them, ensuring data confidentiality and clear ownership.

Blockchain Security and Traceability: Incorporates Blockchain technology to secure asset tracking. File operation records and personnel information can be traced, and with Blockchain, records are immutable, greatly reducing the risk of asset leakage and loss.

2. Process Visualization 

The production process of high-quality games is more complex than that of internet product development, typically spanning years, requiring the ability to view progress and bottlenecks from a project-wide perspective at any moment to ensure that initial investments yield expected outputs.

Especially for various complex large files, producers or chief artists want to be able to view design progress at any time. Traditionally, files had to be downloaded locally and opened with native software for viewing, or frequent progress inquiries had to be made to interface people for aggregated feedback. 

This not only lowers management efficiency but also causes resentment among those being managed, who may feel that frequent progress inquiries indicate a lack of trust.

Through Blueberry, uncompressed online previews and clear list views can be used to meet various needs for project risk monitoring and progress tracking, making progress transparent and focusing problem resolution down to the individual, liberating time from repetitive actions and focusing more energy on core needs and data analysis, maximizing value output.

3D Engineering File High-Speed Online Preview

After establishing a team asset library with Blueberry, art personnel save their completed works locally and simultaneously upload them to the server for backup. Based on unique technological breakthroughs, it supports fast online real-time previews of over a hundred resource formats, including 3D engineering files like MAYA, 3Ds Max, and Blender, and also supports uncompressed files.

Blueberry AI generated pictures

Blueberry AI-Generated Pictures

Online Marking, Review Responses

Supports frame-by-frame annotation and online review responses, with enterprise IM tools pushing notifications instantly, enabling management personnel to shorten the handling path and provide feedback efficiently, quickly, and visually completing the review and collaboration process.

Version Control and Conflict Resolution

Automatically detects new and modified files in the local workspace for upload and backup, provides local and remote file comparison previews and conflict resolution features, ensuring the latest versions are always visible.

(Online review, comment response, message push feature demonstration)

Information Flow Automation 

Game project turnover involves the use of many image, model management, and other related professional tools for use and collaboration, and software changes, work orders, and approvals are "repetitive labor" that many frontline artists must perform daily. If information flow is not timely, the system's status and actual situation may not align, requiring offline reminders to resolve issues, but relying on reminders is not a long-term solution.

The Blueberry smart digital asset management system has built-in rich plugin integration, seamlessly interfacing with commonly used applications, tools, and software in daily work. 

Through secondary development with API interfaces, it connects enterprise and upstream and downstream collaborations, allowing R&D, design, production, quality inspection, and other departments to communicate closely and promptly, rapidly advancing project implementation. "It's like having a dedicated assistant. Through deep integration, it can fully handle repetitive tasks, liberating management energy."

Account Interoperability, Automatic Synchronization of Organizational Structure: Blueberry interconnects with enterprise IM tools. Through platform integration, it resolves issues of team management, cross-departmental communication, and upper and lower-level collaboration, comprehensively enhancing collaborative efficiency.

DAM collaborative environments

DAM allows Collaborative environments hence productivity

Combining Project Management Throughout the Entire Process: Through customized development, it seamlessly interfaces with enterprise OA and project management tools (such as Feishu/DingTalk/Teambition/JIRA, etc.), synchronizing partitions and work order lists automatically, with two-way real-time synchronization of modifications to work orders or file statuses, automatically passing back file addresses in work orders, completing team development collaboration in one stop automatically, achieving true task and asset linkage.

Vertical Integration Upstream and Downstream: Based on plugins and open API interfaces, it can be customized to interface with PS, AE, and other commonly used production tools; Unreal, Unity, and other commonly used game engines; as well as SVN, Perforce code control, and other downstream tools, allowing the entire production process to flow through the system.

To continuously create high-quality content and interactive experiences for players, game manufacturers must keep up with operational efficiency. Research shows that 97% of companies using professional tools have reduced content production costs by an average of 28%, while significantly improving team collaboration, communication, and information search efficiency, overall enhancing team productivity by 20%-25%.

Blueberry helps in cutting down costs

Blueberry helps in cutting down the costs and efficiency

As an innovative enterprise-level smart digital asset management system, through scientific storage + artificial intelligence, it achieves efficient organization and management of digital assets, helping to enhance operational efficiency. In just one month, it received over 200 team inquiries and trial applications, and advanced production tools liberating productivity have become a new choice in the game industry.

We are a leading art and software development company based in Silicon Valley, USA, Hong Kong, China, and Chengdu, China, focused on providing high-quality software services to companies across various industries worldwide. Blueberry is committed to providing high-quality software services to global game companies. Share Creators' self-developed Blueberry DAM system allows customers to easily manage company digital assets, solving problems of information islands and scattered assets, helping customers better undergo digital transformation and bring about a qualitative improvement in efficiency.

As a professional content asset management tool specific to the game industry, and also an efficiency solution integrating upstream and downstream, well-known manufacturers in the game industry like Funplus, Youyo, Eagle Corner, Gigabit, Thunder Games, Happy Interactive, etc., are using the professional digital asset management system developed by Share Creators to help enhance operational development efficiency. Apply for a free trial today and see how Blueberry becomes your cost-saving tool in your business.


DAM For E-commerce Advertising Content 


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