DAM For E-commerce Advertising Content 

The annual Singles' Day has concluded, a unique festival for the Chinese e-commerce sector, first started by Tmall (formerly known as Taobao Mall) on November 11, 2009, to coincide with the Singles' Day promotion. It caught on due to the seasonal change and end-of-year consumer spending surge, with transaction volumes far exceeding expectations, thus becoming a fixed annual celebration for Tmall.

Now in its fifteenth year, market demand and consumer enthusiasm have not waned but have grown more robust with more brands and trading platforms participating, extending the event period and breaking new records in transaction volumes, turning it into a grand celebration for all netizens.

This phenomenon-level marketing festival has also led many major brands to join in. On the surface, they employ various standard promotional tactics to compete for consumers' wallets, but as the supply-demand relationship transforms and public consumer awareness increases, the essence of widening the gap becomes a competition of "internal strength"—whoever has broader channels, more timely reach, higher conversion rates, and faster updates will win more consumer favor.

This raises higher demands for a brand's digital capabilities and operational efficiency.

Furthermore, under the national "Belt and Road" initiative, more and more domestic companies are focusing on overseas markets, making brand internationalization a trend, and cross-border e-commerce has entered a golden period of development, presenting new growth opportunities.

 Facing different cultural backgrounds and consumer habits in domestic and international niche markets, as newcomers to new markets, brands initially face some degree of "acclimatization," testing whether the brand can respond quickly and manage content production accurately.

Looking forward, brand e-commerce will continue to be in a rapidly developing and highly competitive environment, full of opportunities, with increasingly intense competition. It is expected to develop towards trends where traffic costs continue to rise, channels become more fragmented, and consumers become pickier. How to more accurately capture traffic, cover more dimensions of channels, and reach with more personalized content is an increasingly common challenge faced by many brands.

If you are also undergoing this transformational pain, then be sure to keep reading. This article will recommend a professional tool for the digital transformation process of brand e-commerce, helping brands maintain a leading position in the fierce market competition.

DAM  Marketing Tool

DAM Marketing Tool

Pain Points and Opportunities: Changes in Content Management and Marketing Methods

Brand e-commerce has been developing for over a decade, during which content management, marketing methods, and collaborative distribution have undergone significant changes:

Blueberry Enables Collaboration

Blueberry DAM that allows Collaboration distribution

  • Marketing content: From the earliest simple combination of text and pictures to now including long images, short videos, 3D images, animated videos, and more.

  • Marketing process: From the earliest manual design of marketing materials and manual uploading to platforms to now using professional tools for unified management, storage, and automatic uploading.

  • Collaboration methods: From the initial single-thread multiple roles (designer-editor-service provider) to now using digital tools for cloud-based distributed office collaboration. Collaboration with KOLs is essential.

  • Marketing effect feedback: From initially only looking at sales volume and purely relying on experience to now having rich dimensions of automatic feedback forming a clear dashboard.

Most brands choose decentralized layouts, establishing offices in key global markets, and this strategy of distributed office work requires professional digital tools for unified management and collaborative efficiency improvement.

Blueberry is a deep participant in the digital transformation of brand e-commerce. Its innovative digital asset management tool, Blueberry, helps brand e-commerce manage massive marketing content while integrating content production, channel distribution, and data feedback throughout the entire chain. It also empowers AIGC, achieving automated marketing content production and comprehensively enhancing the operational efficiency of brand e-commerce:

blueberry enables integration of softwares

Blueberry API that Allows Integration

Innovative Revolutionary Digital Asset Management Tool 

  • Designed to fit brand e-commerce workflows

  • Comes with over ten styles of AIGC creative functions

  • Limited-time full-function open trial

  • Scan to apply for a free trial

Currently, the brand e-commerce industry is gradually transforming towards decentralization and digitalization, with increasing demands for refined operations. Blueberry, with its powerful features and extensive integration capabilities, assists enterprises in laying out full-channel, full-link, full-scenario operations, focusing on developing online and overseas markets and achieving content co-creation through AIGC, focusing on establishing long-term value.

Unified Management and Publishing of Content Materials

As e-commerce channels diversify, the types of content deployed are becoming richer, and the same content materials have stringent requirements on different terminals, operating systems, and platforms. Some require landscape orientation, others 1:1 square, some long strips, others vertical strips; some require high resolution, and others have strict size restrictions requiring compression. 

Therefore, the number of marketing content and design materials is growing exponentially, often scattered across various locations (company computers, cloud drives, personal hard drives, etc.), leading to frantic searches when urgently needed, unable to determine which version is the latest and approved, even leading to situations where materials cannot be found and are redesigned.

How to scientifically manage these marketing content materials, turning them into reusable digital assets for the company that can be easily and quickly found, reused, and rapidly distributed, is the first challenge encountered in the digital transformation process of brand e-commerce. 

Blueberry perfectly supports this need. Its product, Blueberry, not only provides a unified safe storage for marketing content and design materials but also expands to include a unified dashboard, permission management, AI automatic tagging, and multi-dimensional search functions to meet the diverse needs of brand e-commerce.

  • Unified Dashboard: All marketing content materials enter through one unified dashboard, where file status and details are clear at a glance, supporting direct drag-and-drop, smooth operation, and convenient access.

  • Permission Management: The same project can set separate permissions for different roles, and in the same asset library, each role (customer, design, advertising, agency) can only see content related to them.

  • AI Automatic Tagging: With industry-leading AI smart recognition functionality, it can intelligently parse resource files stored in the system, automatically apply tags, and together with customized personal tags + team tag pools, complete an automated loop from upload to classification to storage.

Multi-Dimensional Search

Provides various search methods, allowing users to search by color, name, tags, file type, file size, horizontal/vertical composition, upload time, and other attributes. The powerful search function is not limited to internal files like images, PSDs, videos, etc., but also includes URLs, Google Drive, and other system files.

Blueberry Search Tool

Blueberry DAM that have search functionalities

AIGC Assists in High-Quality Automated Mass Production of Design Materials

In today's environment where traffic is increasingly expensive, content's influence on sales is gradually increasing. Each large-scale event Campaign involves a massive demand for content production, which must be personalized for different channels, scenes, and consumer groups, thus generating a lot of design, editing, modification, and extension repetitive actions. Especially for companies wanting to shape brand value, to increase the tone and expressiveness of promotional efforts, they often spend a large budget to hire professional models for studio rentals or outdoor real-scene setups for shooting.

These lead to high marketing costs, ultimately either diluting profits borne by the company or passing on to the end consumer at a premium, damaging the consumer experience and resulting in a lose-lose situation.

With the rise of artificial intelligence, some brands have consciously begun to try building their design material asset libraries through AIGC. On one hand, it increases output, and on the other, it reduces costs.

Blueberry' built-in AIGC function includes three models and over ten styles, which can help automate content production in batches. During use, just describe the desired content and style in text, and it can generate high-quality images that match. Besides content and style, it can also describe colors, shapes, scenes, emotions, and other aspects to enhance creative accuracy. Moreover, the images created by AI are unique works, avoiding copyright disputes.

Generated works are automatically tagged with AI labels and stored in the asset library, facilitating extension, editing, storage, sharing, and other operations, fully integrating and jointly enhancing efficiency.

Connecting the Full Link from Design to Storage to Review to Deployment

Centralization is an emerging concept proposed in the Internet field in recent years. It may become one of the important directions for empowering digital transformation.

For the brand e-commerce industry, the essence of centralization is to complete the circulation of design materials and marketing content in a one-stop fashion through rich integration, achieving digitalization and automation from design to deployment.

Blueberry's smart digital asset management system is an indispensable "central tool" for brand e-commerce. The system is built with a rich set of plugin integrations, seamlessly connecting with commonly used tools, software, and applications. It also supports standardized API interfaces, facilitating horizontal integration with other collaborative tools.

Blueberry Search Functionality

The Blueberry ‘Central Tool” allows quick access to resources from different locations

The integration & connection here include two aspects

Vertical Integration of Upstream and Downstream:

  • As a digital asset storage management tool, Blueberry is a fundamental infrastructure. Based on this, it vertically integrates upstream design and production tools like Photoshop and After Effect, as well as downstream customer management (CRM), Product Information Management (PIM) systems, and attribution analysis tools like Sensor Tower and SocialPeta, forming a full link from marketing content to product information to user profiles to consumer data. This accurately maps the relationship between products, content, and audiences, achieving precise deployment, personalized marketing, and a front-of-thousand effect.

Horizontal Connection of Internal and External Parties

For internal enterprises, common communication tools like Lark, DingTalk, and Corporate WeChat can also be integrated into Blueberry through APIs. Based on unique technological breakthroughs, it supports fast online real-time previews of large files like 3D models and video animations, so you can directly conduct online reviews, annotations, and comments in the system. It supports selecting and organizing internal personnel, with feedback and opinions directly pushed to the chat tool dialog box, shortening the problem-handling path and reducing information omission.

  • Based on the open API interface, it can also be connected with major e-commerce management backends. Design materials and marketing content in the system are automatically reviewed updated, and deployed in bulk with one click to improve operational efficiency and reduce the risk of missed or incorrect transmissions.

Marketing Effect Data Feedback and Review

For brand e-commerce, the content deployment costs of large campaigns are increasingly high, and all are making efforts to secure consumer attention, aiming for the lowest deployment costs and highest advertisement conversion performance.

In this, the importance of data is self-evident. Customer preferences can also be optimized through data.

The new function of Blueberry's asset management system is to solve this pain point.

By connecting with major advertising platforms, data collected and summarized by third-party platforms is automatically updated, with two-way synchronization of various types of data. Data dimensions include CTR (Click-Through Rate), ROI (Return on Investment), Installs, and more, covering over a dozen data dimensions.


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