In DAM Industrial Design, This Tool Achieves Visualized Progress

China's manufacturing industry has been leading globally in exports for 15 consecutive years, making it a major production and export powerhouse. However, traditional manufacturing has always faced challenges like unbalanced industrial structures, less than 10% scale above designated size, a scarcity of notable enterprises, and a lack of core technologies, described in the market as "big but not strong."

Additionally, it contends with the dual pressure of low-end industries shifting to Southeast Asian countries and high-end manufacturing returning to developed nations. There is an urgent need to reduce costs and improve manufacturing levels to retain the manufacturing industry.

Blueberry Saves cost and efficiency

  Blueberry DAM Saves Time and Efficiency

Currently, the overall manufacturing market is at a level between Industrial 2.0 and 3.0, still in a stage of extensive growth focusing on efficiency and scale. Given this backdrop, the main challenge the industry faces today is how to enhance enterprise production management levels and perform digital transformations more efficiently.

With the development of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, high-speed transmission, and other technologies, utilizing advanced tools to promote digital transformation in manufacturing design, R&D, and production has become a breakthrough. This requires practitioners and management teams to have stronger innovative abilities, more accurate market understanding, and higher standards of project management skills.

Diving deep into manufacturing scenarios, we find that due to the complexity of participants and elements in industrial design, projects often involve high costs and long durations. They also interface with many clients and have lengthy service chains, presenting numerous pain points for digital transformation:

Rough Management, Serious Asset Isolation

Many manufacturing enterprises already have a digital foundation but still use traditional storage and management methods that do not promote flow and efficient reuse. Internal information systems lack a unified platform to link and integrate digital assets, hindering collaboration across various phases and failing to fully unlock real value.

Lack of a Proper Storage and Management Mechanism

 lack of planning for management mechanisms leads to uneven data asset quality, and dispersed and inconsistent data, making it difficult for managers to support analysis and review.

Lack of Effective Collaboration Between Links

Poor information synergy upstream and downstream, difficulties in coordination between R&D, design, and production departments, and slow information flow, especially in cases involving offices in multiple locations, make large file transfers time-consuming and laborious.

How to revitalize and utilize the massive data assets that have been accumulated internally, enhance integration and collaboration within and between enterprises, and thereby achieve efficiency and value enhancement, is the main content of digital transformation for manufacturing enterprises. This requires a powerful, scalable, stable infrastructure.

The consensus and best practice in the industry is to use Digital Asset Management Software to manage and distribute the industrial design process uniformly, connecting stages from initiation, design, and production, to channels, bringing qualitative improvements in collaborative efficiency through clear and transparent progress visualization.

DAM enhances Team Colloration

m DAM enhances Team Collaboration


According to McKinsey, excellent digital asset management software can significantly boost team collaboration, communication, search, and sharing efficiency, ultimately enhancing overall team productivity by 20%-25%.

As a leader in the digital asset management industry, Blueberry has developed the revolutionary tool, Blueberry, which helps enterprises and teams intelligently manage digital assets and significantly boost the efficiency of industrial pipeline production, with a comprehensive function improvement of 63%, far exceeding the industry average.

Here’s a look at how Blueberry addresses digital asset storage and management issues in the industrial design process through a demo:

Solution One: Unified Storage, Categorized Management, Efficient Search 

  • Multiple Software Compatibility: Industrial design projects have long cycles, many participants, and high costs, leading to the use of various tools and business systems with isolated data. Often, files are scattered across different platforms (various cloud drives, local disks, even USB drives), and internal systems lack a platform for linking and integrating digital assets.

  • Reinventing the Wheel: Many foundational files can be reused, ensuring style continuity and reducing costs. However, due to disorganized storage or irregular naming, subsequent searches are difficult, slowing down organizational efficiency.

  • Valuable, Reusable Assets: By using Blueberry, you can set up independent asset libraries, effectively creating an "enterprise digital library" with clear content classification, hierarchical permission management, and structured storage of high-value assets, aligning with national policies on data asset registration and digital asset rights.

  • Enhances information flow efficiency and reduces project risk.

  • Complex File Formats: The design and R&D process in industrial design is long, and the complexity of file formats (e.g., PSD, 3DMAX, Maya, CAD, Rhino) increases the risk of errors.

  • High-Speed Online Preview: Blueberry’s unique technology allows for rapid online real-time previews of over 100 resource formats, including large 3D engineering files like MAYA and 3D Max, turning the management system into a "browser" for easy high-speed online access.

  • Online Interaction: As soon as designs are saved, they are visible to responsible parties without needing to transfer files back and forth, significantly saving time.

Solution Three: Deep Integration Upstream and Downstream 

 Solves the lack of effective collaboration between different stages.

Blueberry enables Deep intergration of software

Blueberry DAM enables Software Integration

  • Account Interoperability and Automatic Synchronization: Blueberry integrates with enterprise IM tools, solving issues of team management, cross-department communication, and coordination, enhancing overall collaboration efficiency.

  • Message Integration: With plugin integration, file reviews, responses, and comments within Blueberry can send timely notifications, streamlining the review and collaboration process.

Currently, many production teams and companies globally use Blueberry's smart digital asset management software to enhance management efficiency. Internationally, Blueberry has won prestigious awards such as the Globee Awards.

Many case studies show that Blueberry has become a powerful tool for boosting industrial design efficiency.


DAM Tool Recommendation: Development Must-Have That Skyrockets Efficiency!


Cost Reduction and Efficiency Improvement  Application of Digital Asset Management Tools (DAM) in Project Collaboration