6 Hot Information Management Trends for 2023

Companies have always struggled with the management of huge amounts of information, which justifies the use of front-line intelligent information management systems to meet these challenges. One of the most important challenges is a large amount of unstructured data. Share Creators helps to solve data processing from multiple dimensions and helps companies to manage information effectively.

According to Nitro, employees spend an average of 50% of their time preparing and creating documents, and you wouldn't believe that finding documents takes up 21% of their daily work time.


Information is the lifeblood of a business, and the management of documents, files, data, and content ...... information is the key to the rapid growth of a business. Many companies have been able to grow explosively precisely because of a good information management system, which allows a good rule of thumb for the creation of resources within the company from capture and storage. The efficient use of information brings more profits to the business, why is this the case?


The reason is simple, unstructured data (Word PPT PDF, etc.) is growing at an alarming rate every day and hidden in isolated PCs and systems like email, chat logs, network drives, CRM, etc. Working remotely is becoming more and more common starting in 2020, and smart information management solutions like Share Creators Orange are in the spotlight. These solutions are revolutionary in the way they solve problems, with groundbreaking and transformative features such as AI-enabled recognition, intelligent tagging, and information silo integration technologies.


To better understand future trends, let's take a look at the challenges of efficient information management and the six trends in information management in 2022.


Challenges in Information Management in 2022

Companies are constantly battling with the management of massive amounts of information, which justifies the need to use a front-line intelligent information management system to meet these challenges. Among the most important challenges are

- Large amounts of unstructured data - all information not contained in neat databases, contained in documents, PowerPoint, email attachments, emails, chat logs

- Data that is difficult to organize and categorize, especially in the traditional folder and subfolder hierarchies

- Content is scattered in isolated systems and applications, like islands scattered in the ocean. Some of the trends mentioned below will help to face the challenges involved.


Federated search improves information findability

According to a CMSWire survey, more than 60 percent of information workers need access to at least four systems every day to get the information they need to do their jobs. Federated search describes a search technology that can scan multiple information sources simultaneously. By default, federated search functionality is integrated into the Share Creators Orange solution. Share Creators Orange can complete a search across all corporate silos and return results, regardless of where the documents are located. It's all about focusing on the power of content.


Information management functions that support artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence has always been present in many of the technologies we use, and information management is now an important application area for AI. For example, AI can sort through large amounts of data, and in the case of personally identifiable information, AI can suggest metadata tags to help categorize the data.


Share Creators Orange has dedicated significant resources to AI, making the most advanced AI technology readily available to you. Share Creators Orange offers a variety of AI services to help you work smarter.

- Share Creators Orange Smart Tagger: automatically suggests a tag for an object, like "Template", "Agreement" or "Quote "

- Share Creators Orange Information Extractor: Automatically scans document content to archive your files through natural language analysis (NLP).

- Share Creators Orange Image Analysis: Automatically examine images to suggest titles, categories, labels, and facial analysis results as label suggestions


Access to information anytime, anywhere

The years 2020-2021 will go down in history. The entire world is being rocked by COVID-19, and for businesses, that means a lot of remote work is needed to ensure business continuity.

Employees need remote access to company information and documents. They need to have the same experience from home as they do in the office. By far the most important part of a successful remote flexible working strategy has to do with an effective information platform. At its core, an information management system is exactly what the name implies - a solution designed to facilitate the storage of critical data and the organization and retrieval of that same information.

Share Creators Orange supports remote access from anywhere in the world and from any device. Now, employees can work from anywhere - hotels, homes, airports, customer locations ...... anywhere.


Strengthen collaboration

Just like remote work and remote access, flexible and diverse collaboration tools are an integral part of your company. As traditional work models shift to a collaboration-centric model, intelligent information management tools like Share Creators Orange are needed to make that shift.

But we've moved from just supporting collaboration into the era of optimizing it. From sharing documents to tracking tasks to co-authoring, these technologies ease the burden of collaboration, even in remote work environments.


Connecting the different information silos

Employees shouldn't have to switch between applications, software platforms, and tools to find the information they need. share Creators Orange AI provides a simple, unified user experience for modern information management. You can use the same user interface to browse data across all connected systems and repositories, whether in the cloud or locally, which is not available with other solutions.


Friendly and attractive user interface

Now that the information management solution has reached a certain level of maturity, part of the focus has shifted to creating a smooth user experience.

In 2021, Share Creators Orange is focusing on UI and experience - highlighted first by Share Creators Orange's new and improved online and native interface. It's a clear and crisp information management solution that users can use without having to learn is our goal.

When you're ready to take advantage of these emerging trends, you may be interested in exploring Share Creators Orange's intelligent information management solution. share Creators Orange goes beyond traditional systems - automating manual workflows allows employees to work more efficiently, and Share Creators Orange comes with out-of-the-box, built-in AI to help sort and find information. Ultimately, Share Creators Orange helps companies find and manage business-critical documents and information from any device, no matter where it's stored - preparing your organization for whatever 2022 may bring.


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