Blueberry Digital Asset Management System: Incredible Asset to Reduce Costs and Boost Efficiency  

Blueberry DAM reduces cost and boosts efficiency Cost reduction and efficiency improvement appear to be on everyone's agenda this year - more so than ever. This makes cost-cutting and efficiency improvements even more critical.

Blueberry helps in cutting down costs

Blueberry helps in cutting down the costs

Many have yet to realize the magnitude of the epidemic affecting us all. With all areas being directly impacted, cost reduction and efficiency improvements may no longer just be the cherry on top for some companies; they may become essential tools.

As markets contract and competition increases, every team must consider ways to reduce costs through improved efficiencies to remain cost-effective and reduce expenses.

What are the basics of cost reduction and efficiency improvement?

To answer this question, let us first take a closer look at what daily challenges teams are encountering:

Are You Drowning In Files and Folders Full of Different Versions and Types? After searching hard, can't locate the latest files to Blueberry. Once you locate resources for Blueberry with internal colleagues and external partners through communication software platforms?

Calculations show that it takes approximately two months to produce an in-game character, at an average domestic production price of 1,000 RMB per day - meaning any lost file could cost your current company approximately 40,000 RMB in production costs alone! Can your current company ensure all process files and final files are safely backed up so they can be found quickly at any time?

Design industries typically involve large numbers of digital assets and files of various kinds, with complex CG 3D documents often comprising hundreds of gigabytes; individual files must be downloaded locally before being viewed or modified - even simple file renaming may take several hours of downloading to complete in multi-office remote working scenarios.

External tools like Dropbox, Google Drive, and Cloud Disk require considerable wait time when uploading and downloading files from them. Over time, however, download links become invalidated or files uploaded by others may even become deleted - these issues are all too often occurring and failing to backup regularly can often lead to massive financial losses for an enterprise - numerous examples exist...

Searching, sharing, transmitting, and backing up these seemingly trivial digital assets often consume too much of our time and energy.

DAM helps in secure sharing of data

DAM helps in sharing Files securely

How can we begin discussing cost reduction and increasing efficiency if nothing has changed? Now is the time for change! We must initiate some positive reform.

To effectively perform any job, the tools required must be sharpened first.

Improved efficiency cannot be accomplished without using advanced tools.PwC research indicates that excellent digital asset management software can save a team one month of production time annually while significantly improving efficiency - this includes Blueberry Intelligent Digital Asset Management System as an example of such software.

No matter your company, team, or individual status; whether remote or working together; we hope Blueberry - an intelligent digital resource management system - will enhance work efficiency for you and your team.

Simply put, our product is an enterprise-level Google that can quickly help you back up, search, reuse, and version control all past resources and documents:

AI Intelligent Search quickly locates the resources you require.

Blueberry features industry-leading AI recognition capabilities that enable it to intelligently parse resource files, making it easier for you to locate all files. Even if we forget to name a file, our AI will still recognize it and find its corresponding resource at any time.

AI tags that helps in searching files

Blueberry DAM Game tool

At the same time, powerful artificial intelligence tags combined with custom personal tag libraries + team tag pool functions can significantly enhance search accuracy.

Do You Believe This Is Over? Blueberry offers users multiple search methods. Users can search by color, name, tags, file type, file size, horizontal and vertical composition, and upload time as well as many other attributes. Not only is Blueberry capable of searching internal files like images and PSD video but also provides access to files hosted elsewhere such as Google Drive etc.

At the same time, you can also perform review responses, real-time sharing, and other operations simultaneously. When reviewing and replying, simply stop at an area in the 3D model or video that interests you to annotate and give feedback - very convenient

DAM 3D Images

Digital asset sharing is an integral component of daily work and one that Blueberry makes easy. Users can select a file or Blueberry an entire folder from within its operation interface for effortless collaboration.

Blueberry's new guest mode meets all of the access needs for external partners, making progress management and review of cooperation easier than ever before. No longer must you go back through chat history to locate updates only to find that they have expired and cannot be downloaded anymore!

When sharing digital assets externally, two sharing permissions: read-only and editable can be set for each Blueberry content item to meet various needs while protecting its security.

Blueberry provides support for daily communication by integrating common tools like Feishu, DingTalk, Enterprise WeChat, and Slack into its APIs for easy integration of organizational personnel from these tools into Blueberry's database. If anyone leaves their company simply delete them from the communication tool and their access rights to assets will be closed automatically - eliminating the need to manually manage user lists both ways.

Blueberry can accomplish docking between upstream production tools such as Photoshop and After Effect, game engines like Unity and Unreal, as well as downstream tools like SVN/Perforce code control (which gradually supports docking some software).

Blueberry is set to introduce more API interfaces and deep integration with popular software used by design and gaming industries, making the production process simpler and quicker than ever. Blueberry's powerful one-click resource collection feature can quickly assist designers with solving resource collection issues.

AI Game management tool

Just click Batch Collection, identify the pictures you want to collect on the webpage, and easily complete a one-click collection - your chosen photos will then automatically be stored in your Blueberry Personal Folder for later use.

Blueberry provides powerful screenshots and screen recording features. You can take snapshots of specific areas on any page, the visible portion, or even all pages with just one click.

Blueberry allows team members to synchronize local files instantly to the server, with permission management to protect against accidental asset loss; also enabling mobile teamwork through real-time synced files.

Blueberry Intelligent Digital Asset Management System was recognized with three awards at the Globe Information Technology World Awards 2022, including a highly valued gold award in the digital asset management software selection category Laurel Crown.

Blueberry 2022 global awards

Blueberry 2022 Global awards Certificate

Today, many game developers and studios around the world rely on Blueberry's intelligent digital asset management system to increase efficiency with digital asset management. Numerous examples show its effectiveness in helping reduce costs while increasing efficiency.

Blueberry offers teams of all sizes a seat version with no limit on user count; large enterprises can take advantage of an enterprise version that can support an unlimited number of users.

Are you searching for the ultimate way to increase work efficiency? Come experience Blueberry digital asset management for free


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