Blueberry Digital Asset Management Software for Game Development and Team Collaboration

The size of the worldwide game market could reach an all-time high of US$203.1 Billion. The number of players may also surpass 3 billion. The global game market has grown rapidly in the last few years, according to data. The total revenue from the game business of the ten largest listed companies worldwide will reach US$126 billion in 2025. This boom is likely to continue, as gamers find comfort in games in the post-pandemic era.

The epidemic had different effects on game developers: Many studios are now developing games remotely and delayed in the development schedules, as developers struggled with remote collaboration on highly complex projects.

Blueberry enables collaboration for remote developers

Blueberry tool that allows collaboration for developers remotely

As soon as there is an epidemic in China, teams from different cities may need to work from their homes from time to time. This will present many unknowns and challenges to team collaboration.

Remote team collaboration: Problems and solution

Remote document collaboration and sharing issues in multi-office environments:

The problems that many game companies face are amplified as the R&D market for games becomes more specialized. Due to the shortage of professionals and recruitment pressures in local cities, many companies have expanded their offices to other cities. In many cities, collaboration across multiple time zones is a major problem.

During the same period, there have been problems with document transmission, sharing, backup, and search. When using a traditional file system, internal servers of enterprises face problems like slow transmission speeds. External tools, such as Google Drive, cloud disk, and dropbox, require long waiting times for uploading or downloading. After a certain period, the files that were uploaded by the other side will be downloaded. Broken links, deleted files, etc. All of these problems are very common.

Blueberry modern way to share resources and files

Blueberry Modern way to share resources

The existing version control systems and document backups, are outdated. A character's 3D files can be as large as 100-200GB, especially in the film and TV industries. It takes several operations to rename a file. You have to wait for the file to be downloaded to your local computer, then rename it, check in the file on the server again, and delete the original. It is difficult to manage and backup thousands of files using an old system that runs slowly.

Blueberry secure way of sharing files

Blueberry secure way of sharing resources

Digital asset management systems and the tools are unable to communicate with one another.

The trend of industrialization in the gaming industry has seen many games move from consoles to mobile phones. And the same IP can have multiple game versions. Wouldn't it be great if assets were reusable? This will reduce the production cycle, and accelerate the time it takes to get online. The problem is that it comes up again. The file names and most of the engine files must be standardized. If the original personnel did not create the files themselves, and they do not remember the names or locations of the original documents, then you will need to download the entire asset and locate the resources individually.

It is not easy to download, open and reuse large asset files. According to McKinsey's research, businesses lack an effective platform for digital asset management and every employee loses valuable working time each year.

The revolution in production efficiency is not possible without the use of advanced tools

Blueberry, an intelligent digital resource management software, was created to assist teams in collaborating more effectively, whether they work remotely or together.

Blueberry helps in collaborative environment

Blueberry helps in collaborative environments

Combination of artificial intelligence with file management "Blueberry", resulting in an intelligent digital asset management system

The enterprise version of Google is a shared folder that allows users to find their files easily. As long as you're connected to the Internet, you can download and preview files in real time, no matter where you are. Blueberry supports online previews of over 100 digital files such as PSDs, FBXs, OBJs, lossless audio, and video in 4K, This powerful search capability is not only limited to internal documents but can also be used for URLs, Google Drive files, Dropbox files and even files in other systems, such as P4V. This way, data migration can be saved.

This powerful feature isn't only for visual effects and game development houses. Publishing teams, editors, broadcast teams, etc. Blueberry's capabilities for file retrieval, sharing and collaboration can be used by other teams. Users can search for files using keywords contained within image files, even if the user forgets to name the file.

The software is intuitive and easy to learn. Users can use it in 20 minutes.

Blueberry's business opportunity lies in a user interface that is intuitive and easy to use. This saves time for teams through remote sharing of files, seamless file management, and seamless file sharing. It should be easy to use as a collaboration and file management tool. It is not uncommon for other products on the market to require extensive learning, putting the cart before the horse.

Research and development of games, including production tools and game engines. Full access upstream and downstream.

Blueberry's intelligent digital asset system will open up more API interfaces shortly and integrate commonly used software within the gaming industry. This will make the entire production process easier and more convenient.

Blueberry API integration tool

Blueberry API Integration Tool

Blueberry, for example, can connect with upstream production tools like Photoshop and After Effect and game engines such Unity and Unreal. It can also connect to downstream production tools, such as SVN code control and Perforce code management (now supporting some connections). The rest of the software is slowly coming online

Blueberry's powerful resource collection function with one click can help designers easily solve resource collection issues. Blueberry's powerful one-click resource gathering function allows you to collect pictures, web pages and screen recordings. With just one click, you can add important web pages or material pictures to your Blueberry personal folder.

Blueberry Intelligent Digital Asset Management System won three awards at the Globe Technology World Awards in 2022. This included the Digital Asset Management Software of the year award. The gold medal is a very valuable prize.Blueberry is used by many top-tier game developers to increase the efficiency of digital asset management.Blueberry offers a version of its software that is based on the number of seats. For large companies, Blueberry also offers an enterprise version, which does not limit the trial users. Blueberry's intelligent digital asset system has been shown to be a powerful tool that can help improve the efficiency of the development process.


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Blueberry Digital Asset Management Interview -  What you must know!