Using DAM Tools to Accelerate Industrial Production Pipelines

With development cycles measured in years, investment costs in the tens of millions, and rapidly changing market demands and external risks, the journey of a game from inception to release is inevitably full of challenges. In the face of market fluctuations, all gaming companies are looking for methods to transcend cycles, striving to maintain stable output and continuously create quality content amid a changing external environment.

As players' demands grow richer and technological breakthroughs continue to evolve, game development increasingly emphasizes high-quality and premium production. The current mainstream view in the industry is that game production must shift from a workshop style to a more industrialized production mode. Traditional software tools and management models are no longer suitable; a more efficient game industrialization pipeline must be established.

Blueberry Software DAM Tool

 Blueberry is one of the top Ranked  Game DAM

A massive amount of content resources are generated during the game development process. Managing these unique digital content assets presents a challenge for all development teams:

  • Lack of unified storage standards and naming conventions: Files are scattered everywhere, leading to asset chaos and management difficulties. Teams and individuals use different naming conventions and tags, challenging searching and organizing.

  • Security and permission management: Due to digital assets' high value and specificity, they are susceptible to theft during transmission. It is crucial to ensure that only authorized personnel can access, edit, and manage specific files, with traceable operation records.

  • Version control and collaboration: In a multi-person collaborative environment, different members may modify and edit the same asset, easily leading to version conflicts and chaos.

  • Data backup and loss recovery: Without professional measures and tools to fully protect digital assets, backing up and recovering lost data requires a significant investment of manpower and time.

  • Lack of intelligence and automation: In the design and production processes of medium to large projects, involving extensive sharing, collaboration, and project management actions, the lack of intelligence and automation makes processing by multiple people time-consuming and prone to errors.

In recent years, the industry has gradually recognized the importance of asset storage management and has begun using professional tools to establish a more standardized, agile, and efficient game development process, enhancing the ability to quickly produce content resources. This makes the game production progress visible and controllable, increasing certainty to withstand risks. Top companies and projects in China are trying out a professional digital asset management tool named blueberrywhich helps manage massive digital assets on top of designing production, internal and external collaboration, and integrating upstream and downstream in the entire chain, combined with AIGC for empowerment, thus achieving intelligent automation of production collaboration.

Building a Reusable Asset Library

Solving the storage and access difficulties of massive content

Under the trend of high-quality games, the scale of content and digital assets is exploding. Without unified storage management, departments and team members cannot find valuable files, making efficient asset reuse and standardization out of reach. The Blueberry digital asset management tool allows teams to comprehensively inventory existing digital assets, quickly and standardly establishing a "digital library" to prepare effectively for the overall pipeline process.

Teamwork working Together

DAM Team Collaboration And Productivity

Solving Digital Asset Compliance and Security

Blueberry provides layered permission management functionality, requiring members to apply to administrators to access, edit, and share specific assets, ensuring the security of sensitive information. Different roles (clients, designers, reviewers, subcontractors) can only see content relevant to them, maintaining data confidentiality and clearly defining ownership, thus significantly securing assets.

Streamlining Industrial Pipeline Processes, Enhancing Internal and External Collaboration Convenience

Blueberry provides a platform for sharing and collaboration in complex workflows involving multiple participants, enabling team members to easily share, comment, and edit assets, fostering cooperation and collaboration between teams. When you need online high-speed previews and immediate feedback, Blueberry supports fast online real-time previews of over 100 different formats, including large 3D engineering files like MAYA and 3D Max, uncompressed.

Blueberry Enables colaboration and productivity

Blueberry DAM enables team Collaboration and Productivity

Connecting the Full Link from Production to Storage to Release

Based on plugins and an open API interface, Blueberry allows for customized development, integrating with common production tools like PS, AE, and popular engines like Unreal and Unity, as well as downstream tools like SVN and Perforce code control, enabling the entire team's production process to be completed in one place within the Blueberry system.

This approach not only improves operational efficiency but also redefines how digital assets are managed, making Blueberry an essential tool for any gaming studio looking to streamline its development process and enhance project management through robust version control and a centralized asset repository. Get more DAM insights at Blueberry Free Trial!


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