What Is The Best Way to Store And Control Your Digital Assets?

In the digital era, assets extend far beyond physical and financial properties to include digital ones that play an instrumental role both personally and commercially. In this article, we are going to look at what digital assets are, their storage options, importance, and proper management techniques that must be undertaken when handling such investments.

What Are Digital Assets? 

Digital assets refer to any content stored digitally that provides value to an individual or business, from texts files and emails to photos, audio files, and videos stored digitally; software databases or social media content for business environments also fall within this definition of assets; furthermore, they include company documents, customer databases, intellectual property as well as any files critical for daily business operations as examples of digital assets.

DAM systems allows access of assets.

DAM solution allows easy access of files in a company.

How Can Digital Assets Be Stored? 

Storing digital assets efficiently and safely is crucial for both individuals and organizations to ensure their accessibility, longevity, and protection. Various technologies and storage methods are available, each offering distinct benefits and considerations; here is an exploration of this topic: local Storage.

1.  Digital Asset Management (DAM) Systems/Enterprise DAM Solutions

DAM systems (Digital Asset Management Systems) such as Blueberry Solutions are software systems specifically developed to store, organize, and manage digital assets centrally in an organized repository.

Advantages: Digital asset management systems offer powerful tools for large organizations to efficiently manage vast digital asset libraries, with features like metadata tagging, automated workflows, and integration with other business systems.

Disadvantages of Digital Asset Management Systems: DAM systems can be costly and difficult to set up, and users must be trained to use them fully.

2. Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) and Solid State Drives (SSDs): These two forms of local Storage are the most prevalent solutions today; HDDs store data on magnetic disks, while SSDs use flash memory for faster access and reliability.

Advantages: Local Storage allows quick access and control over your data without depending on internet connectivity while offering greater privacy than cloud solutions. 

Disadvantages: Physical damage, theft, or data loss due to hardware failure is more likely. In addition, their storage capacities are much more limited than those of scalable cloud solutions.

3. External Hard Drives and Flash Drives (EVHD/USFWDs)

Description of External Drives (SD Cards and Memory Sticks)

External drives are portable storage devices connected via USB to computers or other devices for backups or file transfers between devices. Their portability and relatively inexpensive cost offer numerous advantages that make them great solutions. Ideally, it is used as a backup solution or to transfer files between devices.

Disadvantages of external hard drives: Like internal drives, external hard drives are vulnerable to physical damage, loss, or theft, and their limited storage capacities may necessitate multiple devices for more extensive data volumes. 

4. Network-Attached Storage (NAS)

A network-attached storage (NAS) device allows authorized network users and heterogeneous clients to store and retrieve data in one central place from multiple storage drives on one network device.

Advantages: NAS devices make an excellent solution for small to mid-size businesses or home offices that rely heavily on storage solutions with redundant data redundancy and can even be set up for automated backups.

Disadvantages of Cloud Storage

Initial setup costs and management overheads can be prohibitively high, and network speeds could limit the speed at which files can be uploaded/downloaded.

5. Cloud Storage

Public Cloud Services such as Google Drive, AWS S3, or OneDrive: Description of Public Cloud Services: Public cloud services store their data on servers managed by external organizations and are accessible over the Internet.

Advantages: Scalability, Access from any internet-enabled computer anywhere, and generally sound data redundancy and backup processes make them desirable solutions. They frequently also include advanced collaboration tools.

Disadvantages: Recurring costs may mount as data volumes increase; privacy and data security depend upon provider protocols.

Private Cloud Storage: A private cloud is defined as cloud computing resources used exclusively by one business or organization and physically housed at their on-site data center.

Advantages: Offer greater control and security while being tailored specifically for an organization's needs.

Disadvantages: High initial investment costs and ongoing maintenance charges. This system needs an IT expert to operate effectively.

6. Hybrid Storage Solutions (Combining Local and Cloud Solutions):

Description of Hybrid Storage Solutions: Hybrid solutions combine local and cloud storage technologies to enhance accessibility and security. 

Advantages: Hybrid solutions combine quick Access with the scalability and backup capabilities of the cloud, allowing for maximum productivity.

Disadvantages: Coordinating data across platforms may require additional integration tools or software solutions for effective management.

How Can You Control Digital Assets? 

Securing and monitoring digital assets are vital to protect their security, integrity, and appropriate use for both personal and professional needs. Effective control mechanisms allow managers to access, use, and modify these assets for any needed compliance measures or business purposes. Here are several technologies and techniques you may want to employ when trying to gain control over them: 

1. Access Control Systems

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Description: RBAC involves setting permissions based on the roles within an organization. Users are granted access rights depending on their role, which simplifies management and enhances security.

Advantages: It helps in managing permissions systematically, reducing the risk of unauthorized access while ensuring that individuals have the access necessary for their job functions.

Application: This is particularly useful in organizations where different departments or teams need varying levels of access to resources.

User Authentication and Authorization

Description: This involves verifying a user’s identity (authentication) and granting them access to specific resources (authorization).

Advantages: Ensures that only authenticated and authorized users can access certain digital assets.

Application: Common methods include passwords, biometric verification, and two-factor authentication (2FA).

2. Digital Rights Management (DRM)

Description: DRM is a set of access control technologies that restrict the use of proprietary hardware and copyrighted works.

Advantages: Protects and controls the distribution and usage of digital media and software.

Application: Widely used in the media industry to control copying, sharing, and altering of content.

3. Encryption

Description: Encryption involves converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized access.

Advantages: Even if data is accessed or stolen, it remains secure unless the intruder has the decryption key.

Application: Essential for protecting sensitive information both at rest and in transit, such as during online transactions or when stored on a device.

4. Version Control Systems

Description: Version control systems manage changes to a set of documents, programs, or other collections of information.

Advantages: Allows multiple users to make changes without overwriting each other's work, provides a history of changes, and the ability to revert to previous versions.

Application: Crucial for software development and increasingly used in content creation environments like digital marketing.

5. Metadata and Tagging

Description: Metadata is data about data, which helps in the description, cataloging, and management of digital assets.

Metadata which is usually used my DAM systems allows tagging of assets.

Metadata is used to tag and categorize assets by DAM system.

Advantages: Enhances the discoverability and organization of digital assets, making it easier to retrieve, manipulate, and control them.

Application: Used in digital asset management systems to tag and categorize assets by type, creator, usage rights, and other relevant information.

6. Backup and Recovery Systems

Description: Regular backups ensure that digital assets are copied and stored in a separate location to protect against data loss.

Advantages: Facilitates the recovery of digital assets in case of hardware failure, cyberattacks, or other data loss incidents.

Application: Should be part of a broader disaster recovery plan for businesses and personal data protection strategies.

7. Audit Trails and Monitoring

Description: Keeping records of who accesses and modifies digital assets and monitors usage patterns.

Advantages: Helps in detecting unauthorized access or abnormal activities, enhancing security, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

Application: Useful in environments with stringent regulatory requirements or where sensitive data is handled.

The Importance of Storing Digital Assets

1. Security and Protection: Proper storage solutions protect assets from data loss due to hardware failure, natural disasters, or cyberattacks. Regular backups and secure storage systems are essential for maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of digital assets.

2. Accessibility and Efficiency: Well-organized digital assets are easier to locate, access, and utilize, significantly increasing productivity. Digital asset management systems particularly enhance this efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and streamlining workflows.

3. Compliance and Legal Protection: Many industries are governed by regulations that require the proper handling and protection of digital information. Secure storage and management of digital assets ensure compliance with laws like GDPR, HIPAA, and others related to data privacy and security.

4. Value Preservation: Digital assets often hold significant intellectual and creative value. Ensuring their proper storage and management helps preserve this value and ensures that these assets can be leveraged for future use.

 Final Word

Digital assets are an integral part of the modern digital landscape for both individuals and businesses. Their proper storage, management, and protection not only safeguard against potential risks but also optimize their utility and enhance overall operational efficiency. By understanding and implementing robust digital asset management like Blueberry DAM practices, users can secure their digital legacy and leverage their digital assets to their full potential.


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