How Does Blueberry Digital Asset Management Tool Allow Gamer Developers to Effectively Manage Vast Resources?

Blueberry allows game developers to effectively and scientifically manage the vast resources required for game production, facilitate secure file transmission between internal and external parties, and promote efficient collaboration. It features 3 AIGC models with over 10 game styles to help reduce production costs while simultaneously improving development efficiency.

Blueberry DAM promote efficient collaboration

Blueberry DAM helps in efficient collaboration

No matter your goal - whether game development or 3D modeling of virtual environments - Blueberry Intelligent Digital Asset Management system protects projects and products while cutting costs and increasing efficiency. Following tests, key functions helped save 74% of time after use!

Let's take a closer look at how Blueberry intelligent digital asset management software plays a part in various stages of game industrialization: We will begin at step one - game industrialization stage one

As businesses expand, their content and digital asset libraries grow at an alarming rate. Without centralized storage management systems in place, team members may quickly locate useful files - making asset reuse and standardization impossible.

Utilize Blueberryintelligent digital asset management tool for conducting an inventory of existing digital assets owned by your team, quickly creating an asset library, and taking necessary measures for smooth pipeline processes. 

Through a bird's-eye view of an asset library of resource files and our industry-leading AI intelligent identification function, resource files stored in the system are intelligently analyzed and automatically tagged for uploading, classification, storage, and more - creating an automated closed loop which acts like having a "digital library" with its own "AI administrator", providing quick retrieval and easy access of resource files.

AI intelligent parsing tags combined with multi-level tags enable automated, closed-loop classification and storage)

Calculations reveal that through the innovative integration of AI search, AI tags and [Blueberry] intelligent digital asset management software, overall efficiency has increased by 53% compared to daily search function.

Blueberry ai tags

Blueberry DAM AI Tag tool

Reusing valuable material resources efficiently is key to reducing production costs and increasing overall profitability - whether that means using previously released rock, grass, and tree models or texture libraries again for game development companies to quickly launch more games faster and increase revenue. Image

Advanced game development process flow necessitates using tools and software to manage digital assets more effectively.

Game production pipelines typically involve collaboration among several people and projects and thus contain files of various formats. Game manufacturers need multiple software to meet team collaboration standards (Maya, 3DMax, Zbrush, Blender, Photoshop Substance Designer Cocos Unreal Unity...). But mixing multiple tools efficiently is impossible.

This necessitates mid-level tools with advanced process flows to support online preview in multiple formats, from large engineering files like MAYA and 3d Max, through several hundred two-dimensional pictures, three-dimensional FBX/OBJ files, two-dimensional SPINE animations, videos and audios, etc. All formats can easily be accessed online in seconds at high speed.

Blueberry's intelligent digital asset management software can efficiently fulfill these functions. Based on tests, using its high-speed preview function has proven to save up to 40% time compared with using other programs.

Reducing time-consuming and risky sharing processes.

As part of the game development process, it is necessary to design its framework, gameplay, systems, levels and plot. Furthermore, characters, maps and so forth need to be determined. Outsourcers should be available anytime for art/sound effect production/program development as required. Collaboration operations for the timely sharing of resource files pose an additional challenge that hinders efficient internal/external collaborative development processes.

DAM Collaborative environment

DAM enhances Collaborative environment

By encouraging material resources to flow more conveniently and safely, one can improve the development efficiency of game industrial pipelines. [Blueberry] allows users to share assets between internal and external partners without installing additional software; this results in increased internal/external collaborative office efficiency by over 60%. - Image via Blueberry

Horizontally open internal and external processes Blueberry's customized development enables it to easily interface with enterprise OA systems as well as widely-used project management tools (Feishu/DingTalk/Teambition/JIRA, for example). Once connected, partitions will automatically synchronize with work order lists; files or orders can be modified directly on partitions while statuses synchronized both ways in real-time, including file addresses returned automatically back into work orders.

Version control systems provide developers with tools for organizing code and resources, collaborating on projects together, avoiding code conflicts and rolling back erroneous changes, as well as comparing and merging between versions.

Blueberry can detect new and modified files within your local workspace for upload, as well as provide local and remote file comparison preview and conflict resolution functions, making sharing resources and code between team members more straightforward, thus significantly increasing internal and external Teamwork efficiency. Hence, this image represents teamwork efficiency.

Blueberry intelligent digital asset management software now seamlessly combines AIGC and digital asset management systems, providing users with AIGC forms such as Vincent pictures/Pictures/line drawings and coloring. By choosing between one or more AI-generated pictures generated through drawings or coloring, users can generate pictures that meet their specific needs.

DAM AI Generated pictures

Blueberry AI generated pictures

AIGC offers an effective solution to connect the upstream and downstream stages of industrialization:

1. Once AI is created, it is directly stored in the management system; and tags are analyzed automatically by AI.

2. Once saved, use the PS plug-in to retrieve and modify resources to perform paintover 

3. With its help, modified pictures are then automatically uploaded back onto the system as well as automatically synced to the cloud for easy storage and backup.

4. Files can be shared between outsourcers or team members with various permissions and validity periods established.

5. After receiving, both parties will mark frame by frame for comments or replies directly within the file itself.

Overall, the role played by Blueberry's intelligent digital asset management system in various stages of game industrialization is to facilitate more advanced game development processes while maintaining efficient collaboration across the industrialization pipeline.

Blueberry, the parent company of Blueberry, is located in Silicon Valley, Hong Kong, and Chengdu China, offering high-quality software services globally while aiding companies better undertake digital transformation and increasing efficiencies. In addition, Blueberry provides high-quality art consulting and production services to various game companies, contributing significantly towards producing five Chinese mobile games overseas revenue in 2021 as well as popular 3A titles like Diablo.

At present, numerous manufacturers such as Funplus, Tuyou, Yingjiao, Wudu, Handmeng Gigabyte Thunder Games, and Happy Interactive Entertainment all utilize [Blueberry] for improved management efficiency.

At the 2022 Globee Information Technology World Awards, Blueberry was successful in winning three awards; among these was winning the highly valuable gold award in digital asset management software award selection. Blueberry," as an innovative enterprise-level intelligent digital asset management system, has revolutionized cost reduction and efficiency improvement across various industries in just one month. .


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