Choosing, Implementing DAM System: Key Considerations for Your Company

DAM Systems improves productivity in companies.

With businesses increasingly turning to digital content for marketing, operations, and customer engagement purposes, an efficient Digital Asset Management (DAM) system becomes essential. Selecting an ideal system and migrating assets onto it require careful consideration as critical tasks.

Factors to Consider when Selecting DAM Systems such as Blueberry Solutions

 Ease of Use

A DAM system should feature an intuitive user interface that is simple for all to comprehend and utilize, regardless of technical expertise or proficiency level. Usability will increase adaption and maximize utilization across your team.


As your business expands, choose a DAM system that can scale with it. Your chosen solution must have enough capacity to accommodate more assets and users as your organization expands.

Integration Capabilities

Before selecting digital asset management (DAM) solutions for their company, companies should carefully assess whether these DAM solutions will mesh seamlessly with other tools they currently employ such as content management systems (CMS), customer relationship management (CRM) software, and marketing automation tools. Seamless integration reduces workflow disruptions and boosts productivity thereby improving overall productivity levels.

Security Features

Security should always be top-of-mind with any digital asset management (DAM) solution, and your DAM should provide robust measures including user authentication, data encryption, and access controls that safeguard digital assets against unintended access and potential breaches.

 Metadata and Search Capabilities

An efficient DAM system should offer comprehensive metadata options that allow for efficient asset tagging and categorization - essential features that enable quick asset retrieval and management.

An efficient DAM system should offer comprehensive metadata options.

Support and Customer Service

Companies must offer reliable technical and customer support. Reliable support helps minimize downtime while swiftly addressing issues promptly - essential elements in maintaining operational continuity.


To reduce total ownership expenses, analyze both initial purchase price and ongoing operational expenses such as updates, maintenance, and training for any DAM system that fits within your budget while meeting company-wide needs.

If a company already has selected a DAM system but finds its capabilities failing to meet expectations, switching providers might be necessary. 

How to Move Your Assets to New DAM System 

Plan and Prepare Audit Existing Assets: Undergo an in-depth examination of all current digital assets to ascertain which should be moved over archived or deleted, along with outdated files that need archiving or deletion. This step may help identify which must migrate or should simply be archived/deleted altogether.

Establish Metadata Standards: Create consistent metadata standards for the new system by setting aside tags, categories, and other assets that help organize and retrieve assets more quickly and efficiently.

Select Appropriate Migration Tools: The second step should involve choosing suitable tools and software to facilitate asset migration to a DAM system more smoothly and avoid data loss during migration. When choosing tools that will automate asset transfers to this new system, ensure compatibility between old and new systems for ease of data migration.

Migrate in Stages

To minimize disruption and address potential problems more effectively, migrate assets in stages rather than all at once. Test out-migration with less essential assets first before progressing with more pressing assets - taking this gradual approach allows you to address any problems without negatively affecting the entire asset library.

Validate post-migration

Once each migration phase has been completed, review to ensure all assets have been successfully moved over to their new DAM system and that everything works as anticipated - this includes checking whether all metadata, links, and indexation have taken place correctly to create searchable assets in DAM systems.

Train Your Team

Once the new DAM system has been deployed, plan training sessions for all users. A comprehensive approach should ensure everyone can utilize its capabilities as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Avoid common missteps companies make when selecting DAM systems

Selecting an effective Digital Asset Management (DAM) system can be an essential element of streamlining digital asset management for any organization, but companies often fall prey to common missteps that compromise its efficacy.

Common errors Companies Make When Selecting DAM System:

1. Companies Fail to Define Clear Requirements

Companies often purchase Digital Asset Management systems without first considering how the system will fit into their workflows or determining its essential features and functionality requirements, often choosing too complex a system with too much functionality for what their simple workflow demands require. A small marketing firm might purchase one designed for large enterprises only to find it too costly and complex in maintenance while some features become redundant over time compared to what would work better for their needs.

2. Underestimating Integration

Many businesses underestimate how vital integration between DAM solutions and other tools used by their company can be. Choosing an incompatible DAM with existing workflows creates more silos and inefficiency - for instance, if the publishing company opts for DAM that doesn't integrate well with the content management system (CMS), staff must manually transfer files back and forth between systems which increases errors as well as duplicate work processes.

3. Neglect of Scalability

Some organizations purchase DAM systems without considering future growth plans, which may cause performance issues and additional expenses as the asset volume and user count increase.

An ambitious e-commerce startup opts for an inexpensive DAM system to reduce costs, yet as their digital asset library expands and traffic volume rises the system becomes too cumbersome and inflexible. Therefore, costly upgrades or system changes become necessary resulting in further business disruption and disruption for their staff members and shareholders alike.

4. Overlooking User-Friendliness

A DAM system must be user-friendly if it is to meet its purpose effectively; otherwise, adoption among employees could be low - defeating its original goal altogether. An example would be when tech companies implement DAM systems with complex interfaces requiring extensive training which then leads to poor asset management resulting in decreased productivity and poor asset tracking overall.

5. Overlooking Security Features: Failing to properly assess security measures on a DAM system exposes companies and their proprietary information to risks of data breaches and loss. An advertising agency might, for instance, fail to assess these measures appropriately; should any security breach take place there may be unreleased campaign materials and client records leaked out from unintentionally.

6. Failing to Plan Change Management

Implementing a DAM system involves technology, people and processes all working in concert together; without proper change management planning in place it may lead to resistance among employees who are used to working a certain way - leading to underutilization and potential benefits not realized for which could damage productivity levels in any company. As an example of how failure to properly implement change management can negatively affect effectiveness: take for instance when a multinational corporation introduces its DAM system without an effective change management strategy in place and faces resistance from employees accustomed to old ways of working compared with its effectiveness! Imagine rolling out DAM without a proper plan resulting in resistance among employees accustomed to traditional ways reducing effectiveness significantly and impacting productivity by not taking full advantage of its potential benefits which would affect productivity across their global divisions.

DAM enbale easy sharing imformation in companies.

7. Lack of Vendor Evaluation

Making decisions solely based on cost or superficial features without thoroughly researching each vendor can create issues regarding updates, system support, and customization in the long run.

Final Word:

Selecting the right DAM system provider can be one of the most critical decisions your business makes. DAM solutions have quickly become indispensable tools for digital marketing teams and all members associated with companies alike, give Blueberry DAM solutions a try today to manage assets effectively and experience rapid growth in your company!


Understanding Digital Asset Management (DAM): Pros, Cons


DAM Integration Strategies With Software Tools And Platform