7 Steps to Pick the Best Digital Asset Management Software

In today's digital era, managing an ever-expanding array of digital assets like photos, videos, documents, and media files can be a challenge. The Digital Asset Management (DAM) Software such as Blueberry DAM  is specifically designed to address this issue by implementing a centralized platform that streamlines the steps of organizing, storing, retrieving, and sharing those assets. Yet, there are a plethora of DAM solutions in the market, which makes your task of selecting the best DAM for your organization a cumbersome process.

Step 1: Assess Your Needs

Understand Your Requirements

Step 1: Assess your specific needs and requirements as a company when choosing DAM Software you try to answer the next ones in your mind :

To make it clear, what kinds of digital assets are you managing?

Number of users of the DAM system

Storage needs

Does it need version control, metadata management, or workflow automation?

Identify Pain Points

Determine what pain points and challenges you are dealing with in managing digital assets today. Common issues include:

  • Inefficient workflow, time-consuming asset searches

  • Brands that lose their way and slowly stop following through with their promises.

  • Inability to handle security and access control

  • Track Usage and Compliance with Assets

Define Your Goals

Specify your DAM Objectives These may include:

  • Increased need to be efficient and productive

  • Ensuring consistent branding

  • Improving collaboration and communication

  • Enhance asset security and compliance

Step 2: Establish a Budget

Determine Your Budget

Make sure to define in which price range you want to find a DAM software, for example, consider the total cost of ownership including the costs for licensing, maintenance, support, updates, and additional modules. Pricing for DAM solutions can be pretty broad, so it is important to have an idea of what you can spend.

When evaluating hosting options, think about the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

Takeaway: Look at the entirety when calculating the cost of a DAM solution, always remember TCO. This includes:

  • One-off or subscription fees

  • The fundamental overhead of a new project

  • Training and support expenses

  • Service Fee maintenance and upgrade costs

Step 3: Determine The Essential Features And Functions

Must-Have Features

Spot the features that you must have for your org. Some of the features that you should be looking for include:

Single Source of Truth: A hub for all Digital Assets.

Metadata Management and Customization ( Asset management functions such as add/edit/delete metadata for easy categorization of assets and search functions )

Advanced search engine: The search feature of DAM- Apart from a simple search feature, a DAM also offers advanced ways to search for assets based on metadata, keywords, and other criteria.

Blueberry DAM with smart search.

Blueberry DAM employes smart search for easy access of assets.

Version Control: Version Control could be defined as the changes to assets made over time and entails the management of changes to the historical record of revisions.

User Roles and Permissions: Fine-grained access controls to ensure that people who can access or change assets are authorized.

Enhanced Automated Workflows: Process optimization, asset creation, approval, and distribution.

Integration Features: Standard configurable Integration and Custom Integration with any Business Tools and Technology like CMS, Marketing Automation Tools, Creative Applications, etc.

Analytics and Reporting: Performance Tracking including asset usage, engagement metrics, and much more.

Think about the bells and whistles you could add to the DAM but which are not critical These may include:

AI and Machine Learning: Auto tags, categorize, and paralytics

Collaboration Tools - Annotations, Comments, and Approval Workflows for team collaboration.

Mobile Access: The facility provided by the DAM system to access the platform from outside i.e. Mobiles.

Rebranding: Allows the user interface to be reskinned to fit within the same branding as the rest of the organization.

Step 4: Assess Vendor Alternatives

Research Potential Vendors

Evaluate Available DAM Vendors With Offering Suitable To Your Requirements Choose a seller who has a record of consistently fulfilling orders as well as supporting the brand with great reviews from clients and product improvements.

Request Demos and Trials

Watch Their DAM Solutions in Action: From your shortlist of digital asset management vendors, request demos and trials of their software. This allows you to judge the usability and effectiveness of each system. What you need to watch for - while testing the demo or trial

User Interface: Is the interface intuitive and user-friendly?

The DAM system should be user friendly.

DAM system being user friendly helps in easy navigation.

Feature Functionality - Does the system do everything you need it to do?

Performance: Responsive and Efficient System

Integration: Are you able to integrate the system to work with the other tools and platforms you are using?

Ask for References

Have vendors provide references from other organizations using their DAMs. Current customers will often have a good idea of what kind of support, availability, and overall performance they get from the vendor.

Step 5:  Build an Implementation Plan in Detail

Project Plan

Craft a comprehensive project plan that details all the actions required in implementing your digital asset management system. Outline dates, targets, and who is responsible for every stage of the project High-level states to think about are:-

Plan and prepare: Determine the right needs, and goals, and the best vendor

Administration and installation: it is specifically referred to as administration and allows customizations of the DAM system for integration into the IT environment of the organization.

Migrating the existing archive of digital assets to the new DAM system as data migration.

Learning and Onboarding:  Training users to show them how to use DAM effectively.

Go-Live and Support: Deploying the DAM system and supporting its lifecycle.

Risk Management

Risk plan - Identify risks and devise mitigation strategies. Common risks include:

Historical Resistance: Staff may not want to change over to the new system Some of the mitigation strategies include extensive training and demonstrating the benefits of the DAM system.

Issues with Data Migration: Migrating data can be a cumbersome and time-consuming task. Some mitigation strategies are to plan, test, and utilize automated migration tools.

Training and Support

Training and Support Strategy to Effect Smooth Transition Create training for various sets of users and provide continuing assistance. Training should cover.

Navigation: Step-by-step guide to find your way to the DAM system, and how to make your way to your desired digital asset.

Source Metadata Management - Add, Edit, Manage

Indexing and Searching: Using the search to help find assets faster

Metadata helps in tagging assets.

Metadata in DAM system use in tagging digital assets.

Step 6: Track Metrics and Determine ROI

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in a nutshell

Create KPIs you can measure the DAM - See the results of the implementation. Common KPIs include:

Consistent & compliant branding: Instant access to all your approved creatives & templates - always the right file, never the wrong one.

Timesaver 1: No longer time wasted searching for & managing digital assets

Savings - Savings of costs in avoiding licensing penalties and avoiding security breaches.

Productivity Gains: Workflows become smoother and time to market your campaigns shortens.

Increase in Revenue: Growth in sales & revenue because of better marketing & branding efforts.

Monitor and Evaluate

Track the performance of your DAM and analyze the effect on your business. Get insights on asset usage, engagement metrics, and performance through analytics & reporting capabilities. Make sure to periodically re-evaluate and update your KPIs to ensure they are in line with your business goals.

Gather Feedback

You can do this by constantly taking feedback from your users and getting to know if there are any problems with them. This feedback is vital to tweaking and optimizing your DAM platform.

Feedback from DAM usesrs.

Feedback from DAM users helps in knowing how the system operates effectively.

Step 7 Progress Counter

Keep Up with Vendor Improvements

Vendor Enhancements: Keep current on vendor enhancements and updates as they are more than likely introducing new functionality or features to the DAM system that you could be leveraging. Monitor vendor release notes and participate in user communities or forums regularly to stay up to date.

Regular Training and Support

Deliver ongoing training and help users feel prepared to use the tool and extract its full value at all times. Consistency and accuracy can be maintained through regular training and review of documents.

Review and Optimize

Regularly reassess and refine your DAM strategy, workflows, and governance policies as you grow and change, to ensure they remain in line with the direction of your business. Continuously evaluate how your DAM system is performing and adjust as necessary based on the value being delivered.


The selection of suitable Digital Asset Management software involves a significant amount of planning, re, and a critical look at the objectives and specifics of your organization. When choosing the right DAM solution to aid your digital asset management needs, these seven steps will help you assess your needs, set a budget, determine key features, evaluate vendor options, develop an implementation plan, measure success and ROI, and continue ongoing and iterative improvement. The right DAM software will help your organization optimize workflows, guarantee brand consistency, improve collaboration across different teams, teams and safeguard its valuable digital assets!

Please visit Blueberry DAM free trial for more information.


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